Sheeting Service – Film and Fabric Conversion by Advanced Technology Supply, Inc

Sheeting Services

As part of Advanced Technology Supply, Inc.’s conversion capabilities, we offer a high quality sheeting service to customers who need their supplied materials converted efficiently and precisely.

Sheeting Capabilities

Our sheeting services include converting various flexible materials, such as fabrics, films, cloth, and paper, into flat, individual sheets made to your specifications. This process saves time and improves material consistency.


  • Fabrics: Ideal for producing custom-sized fabric pieces for various applications.
  • Films: Used in industries like packaging and electronics, ensuring precise cuts.
  • Cloth: Suitable for industrial and commercial use.
  • Paper: For printing and specialized industrial uses.


Sheeting is increasingly popular across industries due to its versatility. Our services cater to industrial, printing, laboratory, and pharmaceutical sectors. However, we currently do not meet “clean room” standards.

Customer Accommodation

Customers with specific sheet size requirements will be happily accommodated by ATS24. We can sheet your material to nearly any size you need. Our advanced sheeting machinery ensures precision and speed, guaranteeing high-quality results tailored to your needs. Our commitment to excellence ensures timely and consistent services.

Technical Details

  • Precision Cutting: Advanced machinery ensures minimal waste and accurate dimensions.
  • Customization: Ability to handle various material thicknesses and sizes.
  • Efficiency: High-speed processing reduces turnaround time.

Contact us or request a quote and we will be more than happy to assist you.